11.   The harmony reached at the castle is not likely to last long.

12.   The Forest Service memo left open the possibility that the stoppage may not last long, and that fewer trees might be cut down.

13.   The jet-setting life did not last long, however, and work soon took him to places like Angola and Afghanistan.

14.   These days, Hatano says, a strong leader like Yoshida would never rise to prime minister or last long if he did.

15.   Will this hold up well through the winter and last long?

16.   According to Kozyrev, Russian authorities had not expected the fighting to last long.

17.   He had not been expected to last long as leader, but proved surprisingly durable.

18.   He had been expected to last long in the top post, but proved surprisingly durable.

19.   He had not been expected to last long in the top post, but proved surprisingly durable.

20.   His government was not expected to last long, but has proven surprisingly durable.

a. + long >>共 71
very 45.64%
last 11.62%
alive 2.49%
little 2.07%
rundown 1.66%
good 1.24%
extra 1.24%
awake 1.24%
healthy 1.24%
live 1.24%
last + n. >>共 522
season 13.70%
year 7.78%
summer 7.20%
fall 5.24%
time 4.81%
weekend 4.53%
week 4.10%
day 3.19%
spring 3.07%
month 2.95%
long 0.03%
每页显示:    共 28