11.   Anyone in good physical shape can get to the top of Mount Rainier, but it is not for people who lack experience in glacial climbing.

12.   At the same time, the low bidder dropped out, and the authority disqualified the second-lowest bidder for lacking experience.

13.   At the same time, they say IMI lacks the experience of its rival, which has marred some recent underwritings.

14.   Because many GM executives lack experience with strong brands, previously tradition-bound GM has made some surprising moves to bring in expertise.

15.   Because Sampson lacked international experience, he was hired on an interim basis.

16.   All you have to do is compare him with a few previous presidents and it becomes obvious that Clinton lacks the experience.

17.   Aliev was dismissive of his predecessor, describing him as a professor who lacked the experience to run a country and deal with the political complexities of leadership.

18.   But as Chandler noted, Willes and his executives lacked newspaper experience, and they plotted a radical and journalistically dangerous course.

19.   But Bayh and Edwards, both first-term senators, may be seen as lacking the experience needed to step into the presidency if necessary.

20.   But Bowers, who lacks direct experience in the insurance business, is said to be the front-runner.

v. + experience >>共 552
have 39.73%
share 5.17%
gain 4.32%
lack 2.88%
enjoy 1.91%
get 1.89%
use 1.78%
describe 1.72%
bring 1.14%
provide 1.12%
lack + n. >>共 1365
money 2.74%
resource 2.32%
power 2.07%
experience 2.07%
confidence 2.03%
authority 2.01%
support 1.86%
evidence 1.57%
fund 1.46%
skill 1.22%
每页显示:    共 135