11.   Yet both sides are expected to try to keep the emphasis on common interests and finding ways to manage crises.

v. + emphasis >>共 141
place 33.11%
put 26.37%
give 5.69%
shift 5.69%
lay 2.25%
change 2.17%
increase 1.72%
want 1.20%
switch 1.05%
keep 0.82%
keep + n. >>共 1280
eye 3.35%
job 1.84%
inflation 1.55%
promise 1.50%
record 1.49%
peace 1.48%
people 1.41%
watch 1.18%
control 1.14%
distance 1.13%
emphasis 0.03%
每页显示:    共 11