11.   Lawyers for O.J. Simpson asserted Thursday that prosecutors were attempting, through needlessly persistent and provocative questioning, to keep blacks off the jury.

12.   Moreover, they have the example of the black poor to lead them to believe that Americans still want to keep blacks in inferior social and economic conditions.

13.   Racism, for decades, kept blacks from playing quarterback, which is why Williams, and now McNair, are such important historical figures.

14.   Texaco categorically denies that it keeps blacks from supervising white men or withholds needed training.

15.   The Mississippi constitution no longer requires literacy tests or poll taxes to keep blacks from voting.

16.   The states saw to it that their large black populations were kept politically powerless, by gerrymandering or by crude devices to keep blacks from voting.

17.   There was the legendary stand in the schoolhouse door, to keep blacks from registering at the University of Alabama.

18.   Yet during the late forties and fifties, discrimination kept blacks in the lowest paying jobs and the worst neighborhoods.

19.   And that may keep blacks away.

20.   Groups supporting the lawsuit say blacks were kept from casting ballots by antiquated voting machines, purges of registration lists that discarded rightful voters and breakdowns in registration.

v. + black >>共 364
wear 11.38%
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have 2.76%
kill 2.59%
exclude 2.50%
help 2.24%
keep 2.16%
pitch 1.81%
hire 1.72%
see 1.38%
keep + n. >>共 1280
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job 1.84%
inflation 1.55%
promise 1.50%
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peace 1.48%
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distance 1.13%
black 0.07%
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