11.   As mourners buried the victims and security was increased throughout Jerusalem, Israeli leaders said that if Arafat cannot control Palestinians, they will.

12.   As long as Israelis believe Arafat is behind the violence, even political doves are ready to embrace the Israeli leader.

13.   At Camp David, the Palestinian and Israeli leaders were said to be working hard Monday on a series of proposals that could resolve the rival claims to Jerusalem.

14.   Barak had pledged such action repeatedly during his election campaign against outgoing Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu.

15.   Berger said Clinton would most likely meet with the Israeli leader and the Syrian foreign minister before the talks.

16.   Because he has always advocated peace with Israel, he has a special entree with Israeli leaders.

17.   Both Clinton and Barak hope that a close political and personal bond between the Israeli leader and the American president can be forged once again.

18.   Both the Israeli leader and the Syrian foreign minister had to return home to test the temperature of their domestic constituencies.

19.   A brave Israeli leader named Yitzhak Rabin championed this plan, but he was gunned down by one of his own people.

20.   A day after the Nablus attack, Israeli leaders announced their intent to keep using assassinations as a weapon against terrorism.

a. + leader >>共 507
palestinian 8.27%
party 3.98%
political 3.64%
republican 3.27%
the 3.06%
union 2.96%
congressional 2.28%
religious 1.95%
military 1.80%
former 1.76%
israeli 1.45%
israeli + n. >>共 522
soldier 9.04%
troop 8.97%
army 7.42%
official 5.03%
force 3.54%
government 2.92%
police 2.15%
tank 2.03%
security 1.84%
leader 1.69%
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