11.   On Sakhalin Island north of Japan, protesters gathered to demand that the islands remain in Russian hands.

12.   Residents, however, said the island remained tense.

13.   Tang attempted to pressure Albright for concessions on Taiwan, telling reporters the island remained the biggest stumbling block to better China-U.S. ties.

14.   The draft recommends that both sides make efforts to impress people in the sparsely populated region that the island should not remain a source of tension.

15.   The island itself will remain out of bounds.

16.   The island remains on full alert, with disaster agencies asked to stand by on sister islands, Meade said.

17.   The island remains divided.

18.   The island remains on full alert along with disaster agencies asked to stand by on sister islands, Meade said.

19.   The Mediterranean island remains divided between the Greek Cypriot south and the breakaway Turkish Cypriot state in the north, which is recognized only by Turkey.

20.   The other two islands remain under Yemeni control.

n. + remain >>共 1272
question 1.83%
market 1.57%
investor 1.56%
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issue 1.20%
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island 0.06%
island + v. >>共 329
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