11.   Both countries have been invited to the meeting.

12.   Ciorhea predicted his country would be invited into NATO by the turn of the century.

13.   Estonia hopes to Alliance will invite other countries to join in the future.

14.   For the first time, the Paris-based think tank also invited non-member countries including China, Russia, Argentina, Brazil, Slovakia and India.

15.   Grossman and Ziyal declined to name which countries would be invited to join, but Ziyal said the United States and Turkey shared similar views on enlargement.

16.   In addition to the northern alliance, Brahimi said, other Afghan groups from inside and outside the country will be invited.

17.   NATO members will decide which countries to invite into the fold next month.

18.   Nigeria had no representative at the conference although organizers said the country was invited.

19.   The host state is obligated by the tournament rules to invite all countries belonging to the international association, Ben-Ezra said.

20.   He added that he had not yet decided where the gathering would be held and which countries would be invited.

v. + country >>共 730
leave 12.40%
enter 6.19%
flee 5.50%
visit 2.40%
run 2.40%
lead 2.31%
divide 1.65%
represent 1.57%
rebuild 1.14%
name 1.09%
invite 0.17%
invite + n. >>共 865
leader 3.54%
friend 2.97%
people 2.26%
reporter 1.68%
official 1.65%
guest 1.54%
comparison 1.43%
bid 1.36%
public 1.32%
representative 1.25%
country 1.00%
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