11.   A state police investigation cleared the officers of any criminal misconduct.

12.   In March, the three-year investigation cleared Coia of accusations that he had associated with members of organized crime.

13.   Smith remains optimistic that the investigation will clear his name and reputation.

14.   State and federal investigations cleared Bulger and Finnerty of any wrongdoing.

15.   State investigations have cleared Zeman of the allegations made by Melodie Avis that he abused Bianca.

16.   That investigation dutifully cleared Chief Devlin and Chief Erickson.

17.   The investigation cleared him.

18.   The SEC investigation cleared Bush of wrongdoing, although the insider trading allegations were an issue in both his run for governor and presidential bid.

19.   Two days later, a police investigation cleared him of wrongdoing, Dockstader said.

20.   A tribunal investigation cleared Bosnian authorities of the charge.

n. + clear >>共 722
police 4.54%
sky 3.58%
smoke 3.43%
weather 2.58%
court 2.40%
doctor 2.18%
worker 1.92%
bulldozer 1.51%
ball 1.51%
decision 1.37%
investigation 1.22%
investigation + v. >>共 441
be 26.92%
continue 12.66%
find 4.90%
begin 4.35%
show 3.86%
reveal 3.00%
take 2.82%
lead 2.69%
focus 1.99%
indicate 1.61%
clear 0.46%
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