11.   Internet users report spending less time with television, magazines and newspapers for the second year in a row because of their Internet use.

12.   Internet users with a broadband connection will be able to watch the NHK feed on their computer monitors by calling up the official GOP convention site.

13.   Internet users with high-speed connections are still in the minority and are forecast to remain that way for the next two to three years.

14.   Internet users with second lines at home will pay more under the FCC ruling.

15.   Internet users also learn to trust the medium more as they gain experience and expertise, Horrigan says.

16.   Internet users also will need a special ISDN modem, which helps provide the high-speed data communications, as well as pay a fee to an Internet access provider.

17.   Internet users and Internet companies alike have been aware all along that they risked arrest if they used to Internet to spread sensitive information.

18.   Internet users are also increasingly tuning into live events online, Cakim said.

19.   Internet users can find more information about NBC and its programming at www.NBC.com.

20.   Internet users can follow their progress at www.msn.co.uk.

n. + user >>共 433
computer 30.86%
drug 17.19%
internet 2.96%
business 2.83%
road 2.68%
wheelchair 1.64%
power 1.48%
heroin 1.39%
phone 1.35%
novice 1.20%
internet + n. >>共 281
user 8.79%
provider 8.42%
company 7.11%
stock 5.71%
site 5.24%
access 4.21%
service 2.90%
use 2.53%
technology 1.68%
cafe 1.50%
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