11.   They and other members of the international rescue corps were flown to India by the British government.

12.   Amid the rubble, international rescue teams raced against time, trying to find more survivors four days after the quake leveled nearly half the city.

13.   Australia has backed the resumption of the international rescue package to Indonesia, saying it should depend on continued economic reforms rather than the election promised by Habibie.

14.   Besides, there is only so much the international rescue brigades can do at the moment.

15.   He also said a Labor government would push for a big international rescue plan for Indonesia, a proposal he described as a new Marshall plan.

16.   In fact, if the sanctions are to be removed tomorrow, Iraq will be in desperate need of a major international rescue mission to rebuild itself.

17.   International rescue teams probe Jenin rubble to find and defuse unexploded booby traps.

18.   It is hopeful that such assistance, bilaterally or with Asean as a whole, would complement the ongoing international rescue efforts.

19.   Meanwhile, international rescue teams raced against time Friday, trying to find more survivors trapped under rubble four days after an earthquake leveled nearly half the city.

20.   Murayama told reporters Japan is also ready to dispatch an international rescue mission.

a. + rescue >>共 467
emergency 3.92%
military 3.54%
dramatic 3.36%
economic 2.49%
animal 2.24%
financial 2.24%
massive 1.86%
international 1.74%
russian 1.62%
local 1.55%
international + n. >>共 808
community 5.34%
aid 2.33%
force 1.85%
pressure 1.75%
observer 1.72%
official 1.67%
conference 1.62%
organization 1.59%
trade 1.59%
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rescue 0.04%
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