11.   The former holder of the post was Professor David Harvey, whose interests lay in the field of Human Geography.

12.   Although there is a preference for appointing his successor in that field, candidates whose interests lie in Physical Geography will be considered.

13.   If your interest lies in medical negligence work, being a panel member is obviously a way of increasing your market share.

14.   He joined Guilsfield Amateur Dramatic Society but it was not long before he decided that his interest lay in production.

15.   American officials should be very clear, in their own minds as well as in their responses to Russian words and actions, where U.S. interests lie.

16.   Apart from one foray into human embryology, an attempt to derive stem cells from fetuses, her chief interest has always lain with the mouse.

17.   Behind the enthusiasm of some residents there possibly lurked a cooler calculation of where their best interest now lay.

18.   Both Ecuadorean and U.S. officials have denied any role in the killing, but Guzman maintains that strategic interests lie behind the assassination.

19.   But NATO and American officials have been alternately reticent or voluble, depending on where their interests lay.

20.   But its particular interest lies in its literary provenance.

n. + lie >>共 1905
body 4.21%
problem 3.38%
answer 3.28%
man 1.32%
future 1.17%
fault 1.13%
responsibility 0.97%
challenge 0.95%
solution 0.89%
people 0.89%
interest 0.84%
interest + v. >>共 489
be 41.22%
include 2.57%
grow 2.30%
lie 2.07%
come 1.97%
have 1.64%
wane 1.60%
begin 1.34%
remain 0.97%
seem 0.87%
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