11.   For the Sierra Leoneans, genital cutting is part of an elaborate, highly secret initiation rite.

12.   For the Cruise hero, each new challenge has the urgency of a do-or-die initiation rite into the next level of manhood.

13.   Further, the video shows the mythic aspects, especially American Indian views of hunting, as a male initiation rite and the respect paid to the quarry.

14.   He joined the Kamajohs, a tribal group with secret initiation rites that members believe render them immune even from bullets.

15.   Head to an aquatics center in late summer when hordes of teen-agers covered in colorful grease paint race in school carnivals that resemble fraternity initiation rites.

16.   It also was said that Park refused to participate in previous initiation rites for rookies, and therefore brought extreme measures upon himself.

17.   Johnson said the branding story stemmed from an initiation rite that was intended to frighten pledges.

18.   Kuriansky said that the filing of such documents appears to be a requirement in a fairly rigorous initiation rite into the group.

19.   New recruits to the Airborne were forced to undergo obscene initiation rites, defecating on one another, chanting racist slogans and wallowing in pools of vomit and urine.

20.   Some had initiation rites that include requiring girls to have sex with boys in the groups, the students said.

n. + rite >>共 45
funeral 30.12%
initiation 26.51%
fertility 3.01%
purification 3.01%
circumcision 2.41%
marriage 2.41%
spring 2.41%
exorcism 1.81%
canonization 1.81%
memorial 1.81%
initiation + n. >>共 28
rite 33.85%
ceremony 20.77%
fee 9.23%
ritual 6.92%
school 4.62%
hut 2.31%
period 2.31%
process 2.31%
program 1.54%
raid 1.54%
每页显示:    共 44