11.   If treatment begins promptly after exposure, almost everyone exposed to anthrax survives, even those who have inhaled spores.

12.   It is most dangerous when the spores are inhaled.

13.   It would be rare for someone to be able to inhale enough spores to contract anthrax, the report said.

14.   On the other hand, it is impossible to know how many spores people inhaled and how many other people may have inhaled spores and not become ill.

15.   Once the spores are inhaled and germinate, the bacteria attack the lymph nodes.

16.   People who have inhaled the spores will feel like they have a severe case of the flu, McCarthy says, and will have breathing problems.

17.   People acquire the infection through a break in the skin, by eating meat from cattle that contracted the disease or by inhaling spores formed by the bacteria.

18.   People become infected by inhaling spores of the fungus, which can be found living in the soil or blowing in the desert air.

19.   People get the disease through skin exposure to the spores, by ingesting contaminated meat, or by inhaling the spores.

20.   Pulmonary anthrax occurs in people who inhale the spores.

v. + spore >>共 82
find 20.68%
inhale 9.26%
contain 8.95%
kill 6.79%
release 4.32%
spread 3.70%
detect 3.09%
discover 2.47%
have 2.47%
produce 2.47%
inhale + n. >>共 128
fume 15.93%
smoke 10.07%
spore 7.03%
gas 6.09%
dust 3.98%
air 2.34%
amount 2.34%
bacterium 2.34%
anthrax 2.11%
aroma 2.11%
每页显示:    共 30