11.   The Federal Trade Commission has been reviewing the combination since last August and so far Time Warner has agreed to an indefinite extension of the antitrust review deadline.

12.   The test ban was part of a deal that won the indefinite extension of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

13.   The treaty to limit the number of countries with nuclear weapons is up for indefinite extension in April.

14.   They suspect that the approval of three witnesses is a ploy that will lead to additional maneuvers and an indefinite extension of the trial.

15.   Tuesday it appeared that Iran might be moving away from this position supporting indefinite extension.

16.   Velayati said Iran cannot support an indefinite extension of the pact, the nuclear nonproliferation treaty, until this gap is closed.

17.   Velayati said that Iran cannot support an indefinite extension of the pact, the Treaty on the Nonproliferation of nuclear weapons, until ths gap is closed.

18.   Yeltsin and Clinton pledged to seek indefinite extension of the non-proliferation pact and to press for ratification of another pending arms reduction pact, START II.

19.   A third proposal supports indefinite extension, but attaches goals directly to the extension, seeming to make it conditional.

20.   Afterward, Gore had lunch with delegates from Singapore, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Uruguay and other nations leaning against an indefinite extension of the treaty.

a. + extension >>共 345
indefinite 12.04%
natural 4.47%
further 3.43%
possible 3.35%
new 3.11%
logical 2.95%
limited 2.47%
temporary 2.23%
such 2.23%
long-term 2.23%
indefinite + n. >>共 118
extension 16.05%
detention 14.77%
period 12.01%
strike 9.25%
curfew 5.42%
suspension 3.93%
hold 2.87%
leave 2.66%
ban 2.34%
stay 1.91%
每页显示:    共 150