11.   It was almost impossible for an Indian to gain even a fair education and extremely difficult,as a result, for an Indian to rise high in life.

12.   Athletes had been trying to do it for hundreds of years and finally decided it was physically impossible for humans.

13.   The writing of a biography is simply impossible for more than a few major churchmen and even fewer secular rulers in the early Middle Ages.

14.   In reality, it was virtually impossible for the supporters of democracy to rally.

15.   Dominion over western Europe was far from impossible for such a man as Henry VI.

16.   In four patients cannulation of the portal vein was impossible for anatomical reasons.

17.   But what might be impossible for individuals was possible within the larger body of society.

18.   Amid mounting political and economic problems Attlee decided that it was impossible for the government to struggle on with its tiny majority.

19.   It was generally agreed that the costs of cutting emissions would be economically impossible for them.

20.   The consequence, it is argued, is policy discontinuity, making it difficult if not impossible for industrialists and investors to plan ahead.

a. + for >>共 863
available 10.91%
set 3.36%
unavailable 2.96%
positive 2.27%
difficult 1.91%
prepared 1.88%
famous 1.75%
important 1.68%
open 1.62%
bad 1.56%
impossible 0.39%
impossible + p. >>共 37
to 27.24%
for 26.95%
in 10.67%
without 10.48%
under 5.43%
because_of 3.14%
with 2.48%
by 2.48%
at 1.71%
on 1.43%
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