11.   The gravity of the illegal transactions was brought home by the size of the fine announced by Thierse.

12.   The majority ruling bolstered an increasingly popular prosecution strategy in the fight against drug trafficking and other crimes, of targeting property used in an illegal transaction.

13.   The possibly illegal transaction is mentioned in one of several diary entries that Packwood altered before surrendering them to the Ethics Committee.

14.   The small bills used in the illegal transactions weigh more than the equivalent amount of drugs.

15.   When blatantly illegal transactions are uncovered, he returns the payoffs with a shrug and a smile.

16.   While going through the corporate records, it seems, the consultant came upon some illegal transactions the boss made.

17.   Although the court found no evidence Lee was involved in the alleged piracy, the court said Lee and his accomplices forged ship documents to facilitate their illegal transaction.

18.   Asked about alleged illegal financial transactions by Saad Eddin Ibrahim and some of his co-defendants, all of them acknowledged being unable to recall many details.

19.   --Banks and other financial institutions with smaller proportions of illegal transactions and larger proportions of legal ones are better for hiding money laundering.

20.   But officials warn about threats from illegal transactions of foreign currency, acquisitions of foreign currencies through forged documents and evasion of foreign currency payments.

a. + transaction >>共 544
financial 14.25%
stock 4.19%
commercial 2.31%
proposed 2.27%
online 2.27%
electronic 2.19%
illegal 2.00%
international 1.64%
large 1.53%
complex 1.53%
illegal + n. >>共 669
immigrant 20.04%
immigration 6.34%
drug 6.21%
alien 3.78%
weapon 3.39%
activity 2.89%
possession 2.52%
worker 2.02%
arm 1.49%
entry 1.46%
transaction 0.32%
每页显示:    共 51