11.   But, would an antibacterial hospital gown or an antibacterial seat cover keep you healthier?

12.   Down the hall, wearing a green hospital gown, Bullard was even more surprised, according to Steinmeyer.

13.   Dressed in a white hospital gown and white high heels, the figure entered the lives of other characters as both an avenging and a guardian angel.

14.   He lay dressed in a hospital gown with the tubes of a respirator inserted in his throat and pumping life into his lungs.

15.   Her family claims that when her remains were disinterred six months later, she was in a body bag, still wearing her hospital gown.

16.   He was told to undress, put on a hospital gown, and lie face down on an examining room table.

17.   In an adjacent dressing room, Shirley Steinberger of West Hollywood slipped on a hospital gown.

18.   In its industrial products division, which makes non-woven textiles such as disposable hospital gowns and blankets, acquisitions of Fiberweb and Terram last year began contributing to results.

19.   Jennifer, remember, stunned the Grammys with a dress that was a designer version of a hospital gown worn backwards.

20.   Just the Blue Blob, a great billowing balloon of that particularly vulgar institutional hue used for hospital gowns, cheap plastic swimming pools and Izzy.

n. + gown >>共 104
ball 25.57%
hospital 13.79%
velvet 5.17%
floor-length 3.16%
lace 3.16%
graduation 2.30%
paper 2.01%
jersey 2.01%
prom 1.72%
column 1.44%
hospital + n. >>共 779
official 15.95%
bed 7.34%
spokeswoman 5.34%
source 3.65%
spokesman 3.44%
stay 3.27%
staff 3.25%
worker 3.12%
room 2.87%
treatment 2.81%
gown 0.53%
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