11.   He is worried about his wife and five children, who remain in his home village.

12.   He still finances a periodic free-food bash in his home village.

13.   He says he fought for two months near his home village before his son was wounded.

14.   He was arrested twice after Laurent Kabila came to power and was confined for six months to his home village, he said.

15.   He went neither to jail nor into exile, but to a farm in Butiama, his home village, on the shore of Lake Victoria.

16.   He will be buried in his home village, Qardaha, after services in Damascus and the port city of Latakia, the closest major city to the village.

17.   He returned to his home village, collected recipes from relatives, brought many of the family back with him to Hanoi and opened Com Nieu.

18.   I met dozens of Nepalis in their home villages, from farmers to yak herders to Buddhist nuns.

19.   Ibrahim has parlayed the money into making himself an emissary of peace trying to bring Israelis and Arabs together in his home village just outside Jerusalem.

20.   It was in Hyderabad, an eight-hour bus journey from his home village, where his daughter was being watched over by her grandmother.

a. + village >>共 1042
remote 5.37%
nearby 5.10%
small 4.88%
surrounding 2.54%
entire 2.01%
palestinian 2.00%
home 1.95%
tiny 1.90%
rural 1.88%
neighboring 1.78%
home + n. >>共 512
game 6.52%
state 4.53%
team 4.34%
country 3.77%
sale 2.38%
office 2.21%
side 1.98%
town 1.76%
buyer 1.72%
crowd 1.61%
village 0.75%
每页显示:    共 157