11.   He was a young holy warrior, Nasir said, and he had never fired a shot.

12.   How can you shake the faith of a holy warrior?

13.   How he made the leap from student to self-described holy warrior is a mystery.

14.   If America tried to end the Taliban regime, Pakistan would face the double terror of new instability across the border and infuriated holy warriors at home.

15.   In another country bin Laden might have become an opposition politician rather than a holy warrior.

16.   Indeed, it often seemed there was little the Pakistani government could have done to stop the young holy warriors even if it had wanted to.

17.   India fears the Taliban might soon export its holy warriors into Kashmir to support local Muslim militants.

18.   In their testimony they described the group as a band of holy warriors from all over South Asia, North Africa and the Middle East.

19.   Last week, the Taliban ambassador in Islamabad said thousands of Islamic holy warriors known as mujahadin would attack neighboring countries that supported the United States.

20.   Many of the mujahideen, or holy warriors, now fighting for the Northern Alliance are war veterans who served in the decade-long battle against the Soviets.

a. + warrior >>共 381
holy 7.19%
islamic 5.20%
old 4.76%
tribal 2.21%
young 2.10%
ancient 1.77%
reluctant 1.66%
afghan 1.33%
fierce 1.33%
japanese 1.11%
holy + n. >>共 283
site 22.49%
month 19.97%
book 11.65%
city 11.09%
man 5.10%
place 4.44%
warrior 2.40%
shrine 2.03%
ground 0.78%
relic 0.52%
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