11.   He found a lifelong interest when introduced to efforts to establish Plimoth Plantation, a reconstruction designed as an outdoor history museum in Plymouth, Mass.

12.   History museum, to a new bridge linking China Basin to Hunters Point.

13.   If you arrange lodging at Colonial Williamsburg, inquire about other discounts and about packages that include admission to the Jamestown Settlement and Yorktown Victory Center living history museums.

14.   In August, the center becomes a living history museum the last Saturday of the month.

15.   In Japan, as well, the ambitious plans for the history museum are being scaled back.

16.   In Cuernavaca, participants will tour a Franciscan cathedral, a colonial history museum and Jardin Borda, a garden and mansion once used by Emperor Maximilian.

17.   In the last year, a history museum, a refurbished concert hall, a central library and an expanded art museum were completed.

18.   Like the Holocaust Museum, the black history museum derives its emotional power from photographs, videos and clearly worded explanatory panels.

19.   Neither city seems able to portray its past in an interesting, cohesive way in its history museum.

20.   One such place is Conner Prairie, a nationally acclaimed open-air living history museum on the northern outskirts of Indianapolis.

n. + museum >>共 246
history 9.68%
science 6.96%
war 3.23%
house 2.55%
city 2.04%
memorial 2.04%
sport 1.53%
baseball 1.53%
car 1.36%
railroad 1.36%
history + n. >>共 261
book 24.31%
professor 10.62%
lesson 10.41%
teacher 6.67%
buff 4.97%
class 3.95%
museum 2.92%
department 2.05%
textbook 1.95%
course 1.59%
每页显示:    共 57