11.   She hid the secrets in an uninspected Kleenex box, which a security guard gallantly returned to her after he had searched her other belongings.

12.   The Super Bowl is an event where class is defined by two lizards burping the name of a mediocre beer and a lingerie commercial that hides few secrets.

13.   The waters were calmer this week, but still hiding the secret to what happened.

14.   These are eyes that hide every secret and betray no emotion.

15.   Too many secrets have been hidden from us already.

16.   While not inscrutable, it does defy simple scrutiny, hiding its secrets while proclaiming their immensity.

17.   York, discovers that her father is hiding deadly secrets.

18.   Parliament moved decisively Wednesday toward a national investigation into whether Swiss banks are hiding any secrets on misdeeds against victims of Nazi Germany.

19.   In his formal departure speech, given as the conference opened Monday, Blix warned that Iraq could still be hiding nuclear secrets.

20.   Iraqi officials say Majid, without their knowledge, hid weapons secrets from U.N. monitors.

v. + secret >>共 236
make 25.14%
reveal 7.35%
keep 6.83%
have 4.49%
steal 3.87%
share 3.79%
know 2.47%
leak 1.98%
learn 1.81%
divulge 1.63%
hide 1.06%
hide + n. >>共 1198
face 2.99%
fact 2.64%
weapon 2.60%
bomb 2.37%
information 2.10%
loss 1.91%
place 1.66%
identity 1.62%
evidence 1.57%
body 1.44%
secret 0.55%
每页显示:    共 24