11.   Investigators said they believed the teen-agers had been infected through heterosexual sex with Williams.

12.   Instead, researchers say, many black women are being infected through heterosexual sex with black men who also have sex with men.

13.   It has not spread widely in the general population through heterosexual sex.

14.   It noted that it is relatively common for homosexual men in Asia to be married and engage in heterosexual sex as well.

15.   Policitally correct, Benedict does not makes a separate place for gay and lesbian sex, which appears in all the other categories, just like heterosexual sex.

16.   That said, you can certainly find heterosexual sex scenes that are equally steamy in a host of theatrical movies and pay-cable programming.

17.   The exercise helped document that HIV could be spread through heterosexual sex.

18.   The fact is, however, that heterosexual sex has caused far more problems than homosexuality in the armed forces.

19.   The momentum promises to slow the relentless transmission of HIV, conveyed on the continent primarily through heterosexual sex, Piot said in an interview.

20.   Acquired immune deficiency syndrome is spread mostly by heterosexual sex in traditionally polygamous Africa.

a. + sex >>共 683
opposite 5.58%
unprotected 5.21%
consensual 3.51%
convicted 3.25%
premarital 3.15%
same 3.08%
illegal 2.95%
former 2.82%
unsafe 1.74%
gay 1.67%
heterosexual 0.98%
heterosexual + n. >>共 104
couple 18.91%
contact 8.91%
sex 6.52%
marriage 5.22%
woman 4.57%
man 4.35%
relationship 4.35%
transmission 2.61%
partner 2.17%
intercourse 1.96%
每页显示:    共 30