11.   Skinny boys and even thinner dogs herd cattle along dirt roads, heading for whatever little good grazing can yet be had.

12.   The trail follows a path used for centuries by mountain farmers to herd cattle to summer pastures in the upper valley.

13.   The sixth of nine children, Tulu herded cattle outside the village of Bekoji.

14.   They herd cattle, work with search dogs, and in security.

15.   Unlike the paper-pushing that goes on in certain eastern Kansas counties to create wealth, people hereabouts still herd cattle, dig gypsum and raise goats.

16.   Cattle had been herded away and tractors and other equipment was stolen, she said.

17.   Cattle had been herded away and tractors and other equipment were stolen, she said.

18.   Mandela said he had been stung by bees many times when he herded cattle as a boy in the same area.

19.   Most of the rest are mutilated while working in fields, fetching water, herding cattle, or, as Goch was, traveling.

20.   The main victims are civilians, many of them children who accidentally trigger the mines while herding cattle or collecting firewood.

v. + cattle >>共 232
raise 9.19%
kill 5.42%
slaughter 3.65%
sell 3.18%
herd 3.06%
feed 2.71%
fatten 2.47%
graze 2.47%
keep 2.36%
infect 2.24%
herd + n. >>共 119
cattle 8.67%
sheep 6.67%
man 4.00%
people 3.67%
goat 2.67%
group 2.67%
cat 2.33%
hundred 2.33%
animal 2.00%
student 2.00%
每页显示:    共 26