11.   Prosecutor Albert Wong told the court the hearing would last for two days.

12.   Arraignment hearings normally last only a few minutes and are confined to formal identification of the accused and boutline details of the charge.

13.   He said the hearings could last for six months and it would be too expensive to have a lawyer present the entire time.

14.   Such hearings often last for months.

15.   That hearing could last for a number of days.

16.   The appeal hearing lasted another nine days.

17.   The extradition hearing lasted a year.

18.   The hearing may last up to two weeks.

19.   The hearings may last about two weeks and are open to the public.

20.   The hearing lasted more than five hours.

n. + last >>共 1450
trial 2.51%
meeting 1.71%
talk 1.59%
operation 1.49%
strike 1.45%
session 1.25%
season 1.19%
marriage 1.00%
effect 0.98%
time 0.80%
hearing 0.60%
hearing + v. >>共 309
be 33.20%
begin 8.17%
continue 4.71%
take 4.14%
resume 3.42%
determine 1.89%
come 1.85%
end 1.77%
start 1.73%
go 1.29%
last 1.21%
每页显示:    共 30