11.   I had a videotape dubbing and editing machine.

12.   Last week, police disclosed that they have a videotape of the drive-by shooting of Luis E. Lara in North Hollywood.

13.   NATO says it has a videotape that supports this.

14.   One group even had a videotape that supposedly showed a government tank spewing flame into the Davidian compound.

15.   Prosecutors said they have videotape of McNown practicing.

16.   The authorities said they had videotapes showing she participated in a Zapatista demonstration in April, in violation of her tourist visa.

17.   The colonel asked crew members who may have had such videotapes to turn them over to him, the retiree said.

18.   The Clinton campaign said it had a videotape of the actual speech, in which Dole changed the words but not the thrust of the comment.

19.   The demonstrations stopped after the minister of internal affairs went on television and warned that the authorities had videotape of the demonstrations and that leaders could face punishment.

20.   The FBI has videotapes of Archer Daniels officials discussing pricing and sales with competitors.

v. + videotape >>共 171
watch 10.21%
review 6.89%
show 5.85%
release 4.89%
see 4.71%
make 4.45%
study 3.49%
have 3.40%
view 3.23%
send 3.23%
have + n. >>共 1145
chance 2.31%
problem 2.14%
trouble 1.82%
right 1.67%
plan 1.46%
idea 1.28%
lot 1.20%
time 1.09%
child 1.04%
power 1.04%
videotape 0.01%
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