11.   The two sides see it as an important part of the system created to enforce the Brady Law, which requires background checks of all handgun buyers.

12.   Vice President Al Gore has called for an array of new restrictions, including the licensing of new handgun buyers and a ban on certain inexpensive handguns.

13.   And Democrat Gore has supported licensing future handgun buyers and wants to expand background checks.

14.   Clinton put in a plug for stalled legislation requiring trigger locks on handguns and more background checks for handgun buyers, things many police support.

15.   Gore supports licensing future handgun buyers and expanding background checks, while Bush favors fewer restrictions on gun ownership.

16.   He would require future handgun buyers to carry photo-ID licenses, toughen background checks and hold people to one handgun purchase a month.

17.   Only handgun buyers were checked before.

18.   The battle shaping up between Al Gore and George W. Bush is also a struggle between mandatory licensing of future handgun buyers and much more limited gun controls.

19.   Vice President Al Gore has called for mandatory photo ID licenses for handgun buyers.

n. + buyer >>共 366
car 11.56%
ticket 7.54%
first-time 5.99%
gun 4.44%
bond 2.61%
computer 2.54%
world 2.26%
retail 2.18%
book 1.90%
medium 1.83%
handgun 1.34%
handgun + n. >>共 66
purchase 15.64%
sale 9.09%
owner 8.00%
buyer 6.91%
law 5.45%
ownership 5.09%
control 4.73%
permit 2.91%
violence 2.91%
ban 2.55%
每页显示:    共 19