11.   A Sudanese government helicopter gunship fired five rockets and opened fire with a machine gun on thousands of civilians who had gathered in Bieh to collect U.N. handouts.

12.   Also, Israeli helicopter gunships fired missiles at two Palestinian security buildings in Gaza City and at two Palestinian government complexes in Nablus in the West Bank.

13.   An Israeli helicopter gunship fired at the suspected guerrillas in the highlands of Iqlim Al-Tuffah, a Hezbollah stronghold facing the central sector of the security zone.

14.   An Israeli helicopter gunship fired on suspected guerrilla bases in south Lebanon on Saturday, and security sources said two civilians were killed and one was wounded.

15.   An Ethiopian helicopter gunship fired on Eritrean positions on the arid, dusty mountains and gullies.

16.   Another time, the rebels holed up in a hospital as hundreds of government troops blasted away with mortars and helicopter gunships fired rockets.

17.   As the ministers met, Israeli helicopter gunships fired missiles at the Palestinian police headquarters in the West Bank town of Nablus and at a police station in Ramallah.

18.   Army spokesman Blagoja Markovski said a helicopter gunship fired back after two helicopters and a government airplane were fired on.

19.   Federal and local troops moved in, and Russian helicopter gunships fired on the rebels Saturday and Sunday, but did not dislodge them.

20.   Helicopter gunships fired at the hospital throughout the day as ground troops shot at the building from surrounding streets.

n. + fire >>共 698
police 16.66%
soldier 7.79%
troop 6.78%
gunman 5.10%
guerrilla 4.80%
force 3.73%
helicopter 3.14%
rebel 2.65%
officer 2.16%
tank 2.04%
gunship 1.28%
gunship + v. >>共 105
fire 20.25%
strafe 6.57%
attack 6.39%
fly 6.04%
hover 4.09%
blast 3.91%
rocket 3.91%
circle 3.20%
kill 2.13%
open 1.95%
每页显示:    共 113