11.   Some villagers, those with capital, established rubber smallholdings, or grew other crops for the Market.

12.   There is enough rain in this region to provide grazing for cattle and good land to grow crops.

13.   Whole forests have been swept aside to grow crops for western consumers.

14.   The soil is depleted first by having crops grown in it and second by natural weathering and bacterial action.

15.   A lot of our land is used to grow crops for export.

16.   They cleared some land to grow crops.

17.   Land which is unfit for food crops can be used to grow crops for biogas production.

18.   He said it was a playground for the idle rich and ought to be used to grow crops for the proletariat.

19.   A large part of the cultivated land is used to grow export crops.

20.   In Borneo, Neolithic man grew crops such as sago and kept domestic pigs and dogs.

v. + crop >>共 363
damage 7.39%
destroy 6.87%
grow 6.87%
harvest 6.30%
plant 5.92%
produce 2.56%
sell 1.89%
protect 1.85%
threaten 1.42%
raise 1.28%
grow + n. >>共 823
beard 5.65%
crop 4.60%
vegetable 2.95%
plant 2.89%
business 2.10%
hair 1.87%
food 1.68%
cell 1.68%
concern 1.30%
demand 1.24%
每页显示:    共 144