11.   Finally, in April, a nonprofit group sued the state.

12.   Friday, a spokesman for the Nation of Islam said the group would sue to have the contracts fulfilled.

13.   He also said it was necessary because the timber needed to be salvaged quickly and because the environmental groups would sue anyway.

14.   If the government tries to do that, Cole predicted that civil liberties groups would sue.

15.   In Ohio, one of the six states that forbid concealed weapons, two groups are suing to have the prohibition declared unconstitutional.

16.   Industry groups are suing the agency and lobbying Congress to prevent the expansions.

17.   Legal groups are suing to require the Immigration and Naturalization Service to provide free legal representation for hundreds of minors being detained in deportation cases.

18.   Meanwhile, several environmental groups have sued to stop the widening, arguing it will devastate sensitive mangrove wetlands that line the road.

19.   One group is suing over the costs and the other has forced a recall election to exit it.

20.   One group of Mohawks sued Goldberg in tribal court for enough money to effectively derail their plans.

n. + sue >>共 412
patient 7.42%
company 4.93%
state 4.09%
group 3.74%
shareholder 2.89%
family 2.89%
government 2.64%
plaintiff 2.14%
people 2.09%
victim 1.89%
group + v. >>共 723
say 9.83%
be 9.19%
have 3.36%
claim 3.17%
include 1.64%
call 1.57%
plan 1.51%
accuse 1.35%
want 1.19%
take 1.04%
sue 0.16%
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