11.   The advancing ground troops were provided with substantial air support, with fighter bombers attacking key installations in and around the city, including the airport.

12.   The USA and the UK reiterated their opposition to the use of ground troops.

13.   In addition, ground troops were to be supported by Italian aircraft and, most importantly, by the German Condor Legion.

14.   The mock load could be ammunition or supplies for ground troops... or emergency aid for refugees.

15.   Also being discussed was how to send in American ground troops should President Clinton decide they are needed.

16.   Although a bare majority of Americans endorsed the bombings, they strongly opposed the use of ground troops.

17.   Although the Israelis have bombed targets in refugee camps before, the raids marked the first time that ground troops had invaded such camps.

18.   American policy makers wish they still had similar options today in Bosnia, where American and other NATO ground troops are all that keep warring ethnic groups from genocide.

19.   American surveillance aircraft have also observed movement of convoys in the region and ground troops have discovered artillery equipment, tanks and large amounts of ammunition at Zhawar Kili.

20.   An aide said that they did not discuss the possibility of sending in ground troops, but that the president was increasingly concerned about the refugees fleeing Kosovo.

n. + troop >>共 279
government 44.60%
ground 16.28%
army 12.10%
rebel 3.43%
security 1.52%
alliance 1.49%
ministry 1.24%
coalition 1.22%
opposition 1.20%
border 1.13%
ground + n. >>共 633
troop 19.37%
force 9.69%
rule 6.33%
beef 3.43%
controller 3.03%
attack 2.46%
stroke 2.41%
war 2.33%
game 2.08%
operation 1.69%
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