11.   The Croatian government has been equally insistent that the Serbs not be granted so much autonomy.

12.   The Constitution and federal law grant considerable autonomy to the states when it comes to administering elections.

13.   The negotiations have moved far toward granting Palestinians autonomy in return for security guarantees.

14.   The NATO mission is aimed at focing Milosevic to accept a peace settlement that would grant Kosovo autonomy.

15.   This is a key reason why Turkey has refused to grant autonomy to its Kurdish region, which straddles both rivers.

16.   To them, the violence is only proof of what they have always claimed, that granting any autonomy to the Palestinians would be tantamount to arming the enemy.

17.   What Habibie can do now is release the political prisoners, withdraw Indonesian troops, commit Jakarta to respecting a free vote and grant autonomy to East Timor.

18.   While his divisional presidents are all quick to commend Arnault for granting them autonomy, it is clear that he is also a keen observer of the minutiae.

19.   Palestinians were granted limited autonomy in the Gaza Strip and Jericho in the first phase.

20.   Peace talks chaired by Marker were revitalized earlier this year after Jakarta offered to grant autonomy to East Timor in exchange for international recognition of Indonesian sovereignty.

v. + autonomy >>共 171
seek 11.74%
grant 8.17%
extend 7.41%
have 5.83%
want 5.15%
give 4.53%
demand 4.19%
enjoy 2.88%
support 2.75%
launch 2.54%
grant + n. >>共 628
amnesty 6.33%
permission 4.99%
asylum 4.13%
request 4.10%
immunity 3.28%
visa 3.06%
access 3.03%
bail 2.78%
interview 2.60%
approval 2.50%
autonomy 1.66%
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