11.   At an emergency parliamentary meeting called Wednesday by Constantinescu, the government presented its privatization law.

12.   At the end of July, the government presented a complicated mass privatization plan that officials said would help push the economy into private hands.

13.   A lawyer representing one of the companies said that the government had not presented a fair or complete picture of the marketing agreements.

14.   After his ruling, Lake issued a directed verdict of acquittal on the mail fraud counts, saying the government had not presented sufficient evidence on those charges.

15.   But that same day, sources close to the talks said, the government presented a new condition.

16.   Finally, the government presents its case.

17.   For a day and a half, the government presents witnesses and evidence that the defendants did what they have already admitted to.

18.   Finance Minister Masayoshi Takemura has pledged the government will present a solution by the end of the year.

19.   Freeland said the web page would not be taken down unless the US government presents evidence that the group finances terrorism.

20.   His government then presented its proposals in the House of Commons, where Labor holds a large majority and the plan is expected to pass easily.

n. + present >>共 1311
government 4.10%
prosecutor 3.22%
official 1.87%
company 1.82%
side 1.74%
opportunity 1.67%
group 1.40%
lawyer 1.30%
researcher 1.23%
case 1.08%
government + v. >>共 732
say 7.34%
be 6.16%
have 3.74%
take 1.68%
announce 1.61%
plan 1.45%
try 1.45%
want 1.26%
make 1.24%
deny 1.19%
present 0.16%
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