11.   Such energy sources include nuclear fission, nuclear fusion, solar energy together with biomass, controlled thermonuclear fusion and, finally, geothermal energy.

12.   Hawaii has erupted in a dispute over geothermal energy.

13.   Geothermal energy does not involve the burning of fossil fuels and therefore makes a negligible contribution to global warming.

14.   The second project focuses on renewable energy research, and covers such topics as solar, biogas, mini-hydro and geothermal energy.

15.   And it cuts research money needed to develop and improve solar power, wind power and geothermal energy technologies.

16.   California Energy will build, own and operate a geothermal energy power plant.

17.   California Energy said it would develop a geothermal energy project and Hughes Network Systems received a contract for wireless phone systems.

18.   People think Manhattan is inhospitable to geothermal energy because it is built on bedrock.

19.   Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland, is totally powered by geothermal energy, for example.

20.   Small surprise that geothermal energy is perceived as only for the rich.

a. + energy >>共 1215
renewable 4.30%
solar 3.28%
new 3.21%
higher 2.70%
high 2.70%
alternative 2.67%
national 2.04%
creative 1.25%
rising 1.12%
nervous 1.09%
geothermal 0.74%
geothermal + n. >>共 39
energy 31.82%
plant 12.12%
power 12.12%
system 7.58%
activity 2.27%
resource 2.27%
source 2.27%
field 1.52%
development 1.52%
heat 1.52%
每页显示:    共 42