11.   Commencement speakers, when gathered as an annual class, have always been an eclectic group.

12.   Crowds gather as more and more heavy machines growl through the streets, trolling the many graves of rubble.

13.   Embassy personnel gathered as Marine guards lowered the flag and a bugle sounded in the background.

14.   I have said farewell to countless friends in that room, as we gathered as a community of faith for funeral services.

15.   Instead, a poorly equipped group of rebels loosely gathered as the Kosovo Liberation Army already was in retreat before the advancing Serbs.

16.   Instead, in a room colder, less crowded and barely decorated, several hundred people gathered as equals to listen to music and grieve together.

17.   Now is a time to gather together as families, as communities, as a planet to share our shock and horror and to face our loss together.

18.   Quashing the report would effectively prevent the attorney general from using the testimony of witnesses to the commission and other evidence it gathered as a basis for filing charges.

19.   Some penguins from Chile were gathered as eggs and hatched in transit.

20.   The bureau just been given congressional approval to operate overseas, so they did not have as much intelligence gathered as the CIA which focuses overseas, Clarridge said.

v. + as >>共 749
know 10.51%
see 9.14%
come 4.10%
work 4.03%
use 3.96%
identify 3.04%
emerge 1.74%
describe 1.40%
take 1.39%
quote 1.35%
gather 0.03%
gather + p. >>共 75
at 26.05%
for 14.00%
outside 13.42%
around 11.48%
on 9.67%
near 2.77%
in_front_of 2.47%
with 1.90%
under 1.14%
along 1.06%
as 0.78%
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