11.   Brittenham and Rocherelle have separately attempted to help Zmelik fund his campaign to Atlanta.

12.   Duncan is a lobby favorite, and is getting a lot of help from interest groups that fund political campaigns.

13.   He raises the way campaigns are funded in every speech.

14.   He will work for the entrenched interests that fund his campaign.

15.   He will work for the entrenched interests that fund his campaigns.

16.   Hutchison counterattacked by criticizing candidates who fund their campaigns with personal loans, as Fisher has done, then repay themselves with donations from others.

17.   Millner and Coles largely funded their campaigns with loans from their own ample bank accounts.

18.   Most voters also support a series of measures to profoundly change how campaigns are funded.

19.   One idea the caucus will take up is possibly diverting the international portion of the new aviation departure tax to fund a campaign to market the United States.

20.   Other topics include how much money tobacco companies will pay to settle suits brought about by states and smokers and to fund anti-smoking campaigns.

v. + campaign >>共 789
launch 9.99%
begin 4.48%
bomb 3.55%
wage 3.32%
run 2.65%
start 2.43%
mount 2.43%
lead 2.38%
finance 2.28%
continue 2.18%
fund 0.73%
fund + n. >>共 660
project 8.46%
program 5.97%
research 4.39%
study 4.36%
purchase 3.67%
operation 1.97%
activity 1.87%
campaign 1.74%
construction 1.47%
effort 1.31%
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