11.   He is wanted in Germany on charges of fraud, fraudulent bankruptcy and falsifying financial documents, and his wife is also sought for financial fraud.

12.   A European parliament committee recommended Wednesday that French Euro MP Bernard Tapie be stripped of his parliamentary mandate following his conviction for fraudulent bankruptcy, officials said.

13.   Barely two weeks ago a European parliamentary committee recommended that Tapie be stripped of his mandate following his conviction for fraudulent bankruptcy.

14.   The problem is Rocca used to work for Giancarlo Gorrini, former president of the Milan insurance firm MAA who has been jailed for three years for fraudulent bankruptcy.

15.   Schneider faces charges of fraud, fraudulent bankruptcy and false accounting, his wife is accused of bank fraud.

16.   Schneider faces charges of fraud, fraudulent bankruptcy and false accounting.

17.   The Credit Lyonnais is implicated in a fraudulent bankruptcy case in Switzerland.

a. + bankruptcy >>共 273
personal 14.24%
federal 11.27%
corporate 9.43%
new 3.32%
largest 3.06%
biggest 2.27%
possible 2.27%
fraudulent 1.48%
municipal 1.40%
recent 1.31%
fraudulent + n. >>共 255
claim 6.63%
investment 4.17%
practice 3.56%
scheme 3.19%
document 3.19%
activity 2.94%
use 2.82%
bankruptcy 2.09%
loan 1.96%
transaction 1.96%
每页显示:    共 17