11.   In Iraq, UN sanctions prevent food shipments until Iraq fully complies with weapons inspections.

12.   It stopped in Djibouti to drop off American grain as part of a food aid shipment.

13.   On numerous occasions since the attack, politicians have asked domestic wheat growers for understanding as they purchased Asian wheat for rapid food shipments to Afghanistan.

14.   Panic buying and hoarding has been on the increase amid reports that importers, wary of uncertainty surrounding the ruble, have stopped food shipments.

15.   Privately, however, Russian officials have already begun to discuss food shipments.

16.   The Bushmen complain that food shipments are often late and game wardens who police the area are brutal and capricious.

17.   The early Afghan winter looms and the Taliban are sure to continue their practice of trying to disrupt food shipments to its own people.

18.   The United Nations felt conditions were safe enough to resume food shipments to Afghanistan Wednesday.

19.   The World Food Program, meanwhile, resumed food shipments to Afghanistan after suspending them because of security concerns.

20.   To prevent theft, an increasing problem, soldiers accompany food shipments from the countryside to the cities.

n. + shipment >>共 212
arm 12.18%
aid 10.75%
drug 7.48%
food 6.20%
oil 5.91%
weapon 4.34%
fuel 3.06%
cocaine 2.71%
air 2.49%
cargo 2.14%
food + n. >>共 604
shortage 7.18%
aid 7.11%
supply 5.43%
price 3.88%
company 3.00%
product 2.59%
industry 2.07%
production 1.90%
safety 1.39%
store 1.32%
shipment 0.59%
每页显示:    共 87