11.   Experienced travelers order in advance, stuffing a couple of those little wine bottles in the seat pocket until such time as the so-called food arrives.

12.   Food rarely arrives quickly in the Dominican Republic, but in this case the wait was worthwhile.

13.   He hopes the food arrives soon so he can go back to Zaire and bring his five other children back.

14.   He insists that even with this roundabout route from the grower to the table, the food arrives in pristine condition.

15.   Our food arrives quickly.

16.   Rarely have I experienced so much distress in ordering dinner, or witnessed so much around-the-table envy once the food arrived.

17.   Relief food may not arrive on time.

18.   Relief organizations say that more food will be arriving soon through newly opened supply routes.

19.   She feels at home when the food arrives.

20.   The food arrived in Sarajevo as a confrontation between Bosnian troops and Canadian peacekeepers Visoko was resolved after a period of high tension Tuesday.

n. + arrive >>共 998
police 5.84%
team 3.13%
delegation 1.77%
troop 1.63%
officer 1.48%
air 1.20%
official 1.16%
plane 1.15%
soldier 1.05%
leader 1.05%
food 0.28%
food + v. >>共 391
be 52.51%
have 3.10%
come 2.18%
become 2.05%
run 1.58%
go 1.36%
get 1.30%
arrive 1.20%
taste 1.17%
contain 1.11%
每页显示:    共 38