11.   Others say investment has been focused on the capitals, leaving more remote areas struggling, with little hope in the near-term that new foreign investment will reach them.

12.   Rittenhouse, based in Radnor, Pennsylvania, focuses its investments in U.S. equities markets for wealthy people and institutional clients, Schwertfeger said.

13.   Several people who know Coulter expect him to focus his investments in those areas.

14.   Such a system tends to focus investment in pollution cleanups where the job can be done most effectively and cheaply.

15.   The market value of the T. Rowe Price fund should rise steadily over time since it focuses its investments on companies where earnings are growing fast, Phillips said.

16.   According to its chief executive Datuk Mohamed Said Mohamed Ali, the company will focus its investment on ensuring a higher level of customer service is maintained.

17.   CONCRETE manufacturer ACP Industries Bhd will now be focusing its investments in Malaysia on low-medium-cost housing projects in view of the current slowdown.

18.   In addition, China has been trying to focus investment on infrastructure, high technology and less-developed areas of the country.

19.   In Indonesia, investment was focused on Java, in Malaysia, the Federal Territory, and in Thailand, the Bangkok metropolitan area.

20.   Malaysia, for instance, has a more balanced economy than Thailand, which has focused investments on urban areas and industry, he said.

v. + investment >>共 697
attract 9.44%
make 8.77%
encourage 5.86%
have 3.93%
increase 3.14%
promote 2.56%
protect 2.34%
boost 2.26%
discourage 1.85%
seek 1.57%
focus 0.39%
focus + n. >>共 579
attention 30.54%
effort 7.30%
energy 3.36%
eye 1.83%
mind 1.71%
company 1.62%
team 1.55%
campaign 1.52%
resource 1.24%
camera 1.18%
investment 0.84%
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