11.   Thousands of Chinese troops began crossing the border in the driving rain near dawn, some stiffly holding pastel flower bouquets.

12.   Others gently placed flower bouquets on stone tiles nearby.

13.   Others gently placed flower bouquets on the stone tiles near the simple wooden box.

14.   Miami motorcycle officer Richard Walterman was hospitalized after he crashed on the way to a presidential motorcade, bringing him a flower bouquet and get-well wishes.

15.   Supplies of cut greens have climbed steadily due to increasing demand for floral products, especially flower bouquets supplemented with cut greens.

16.   The simple wooden casket stood in a sea of wreaths, flower bouquets and handwritten notes of prayer.

17.   Four small flower bouquets had been placed on the bench.

18.   Tibetans placed flower bouquets on photographs of their spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, burnt incense and prayed for his good health and longevity, witnesses said.

n. + bouquet >>共 42
flower 24.32%
memorial 6.76%
cookie 6.76%
herb 5.41%
cabernet 2.70%
balloon 2.70%
molasses 2.70%
winter 2.70%
billion-dollar 1.35%
birthday 1.35%
flower + n. >>共 272
bed 16.77%
arrangement 8.43%
pot 7.46%
shop 5.70%
petal 4.09%
show 3.21%
stalk 2.17%
spike 1.93%
box 1.77%
bouquet 1.44%
每页显示:    共 18