11.   Dasilva fit that category.

12.   Draconian controls on toxic wastes from a variety of manufacturing plants, as well as clean up standards for abandoned uranium mines and chemical waste sites fit the category.

13.   Evidently neither mice nor humans fit this category.

14.   Fitting no category easily, Deerpark Farms operates in a gray zone, beyond the reach of numerous state agencies that have investigated it.

15.   For example, luxury-car dealers can aim at neighborhoods that fit categories with high incomes.

16.   Haywood fit neither category, but won what was, in effect, a discrimination suit.

17.   He and Walter Alston were maybe the only two who fit that category.

18.   Hillier fits that category.

19.   In a cauldron swirling with labels -- liberal or conservative, black or brown -- neither Hylton fits neat categories.

20.   Leave it to our guy to find a recipe to fit both categories.

v. + category >>共 239
update 22.22%
fit 5.86%
have 2.85%
add 2.25%
create 2.10%
use 1.80%
include 1.80%
cover 1.80%
win 1.80%
eliminate 1.35%
fit + n. >>共 733
bill 10.03%
description 6.59%
profile 5.50%
need 3.28%
pattern 3.08%
mold 2.38%
definition 2.07%
crime 1.91%
category 1.52%
criterion 1.33%
每页显示:    共 39