11.   Already some local employers in fields as diverse as high technology and health care say they are having trouble finding people to fill job openings.

12.   Also, companies have difficulty in finding people who are willing to stay in China for a long time, he said.

13.   Among those who made it to the Food Expo, it was hard to find people who said they were still afraid to fly.

14.   Among those who made it to the World Food Expo, it was hard to find people who said they were still afraid to fly.

15.   And five people were found dead last weekend near Quebec City, Canada, in a burning house owned by members of the Solar Temple sect.

16.   And in Manhattan, it is not hard to find people, like Ms. Gilbertson, who are eyeing the other side of the East River.

17.   And city officials say that, in some cases, as with HOPWA, it simply can be hard to find people who qualify.

18.   And I must say they did a remarkable job finding people.

19.   And it is easy to find people who have no confidence in government to fix the problem.

20.   And this afternoon, Mueller and Beaton find many people not at home.

v. + people >>共 706
kill 16.68%
injure 6.37%
arrest 4.06%
wound 2.62%
help 1.81%
have 1.53%
treat 1.41%
see 1.30%
detain 1.12%
keep 1.11%
find 0.61%
find + n. >>共 1111
way 10.77%
body 4.59%
evidence 3.12%
job 2.32%
work 1.71%
solution 1.51%
place 1.01%
buyer 0.83%
bomb 0.72%
home 0.69%
people 0.49%
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