11.   Since then, presumed DKBO fighters have been raiding the refugee camps to force the Karen back into Burma.

12.   Six refugees were killed and hundreds of others displaced when WNBF fighters raided the camp last month.

n. + raid >>共 149
police 38.78%
warplane 7.42%
agent 5.49%
troop 5.43%
force 3.62%
soldier 3.50%
prosecutor 3.32%
authority 2.29%
rebel 2.29%
investigator 2.11%
fighter 0.72%
fighter + v. >>共 705
be 13.23%
say 4.33%
attack 2.30%
have 2.01%
take 1.94%
try 1.52%
fire 1.23%
use 1.19%
kill 1.06%
go 0.97%
raid 0.29%
每页显示:    共 12