11.   Under Senate procedures, any senator can block the consideration of a bill indefinitely, unless the majority leader is willing to fight to limit the delays.

v. + limit >>共 104
use 10.94%
fight 5.73%
work 5.73%
do 5.21%
be 4.69%
act 3.65%
buy 2.60%
impose 1.56%
combine 1.56%
can 1.56%
fight + v. >>共 419
keep 10.25%
get 3.72%
oust 3.07%
save 2.84%
end 2.65%
overthrow 2.38%
stay 2.23%
preserve 2.15%
maintain 1.84%
have 1.80%
limit 0.42%
每页显示:    共 11