11.   He has also introduced a device that increases the capacity of the fibre optics by using different wavelengths of light.

12.   In a commission for the San Miguel Corporation, he even uses fibre optics lighting to give the work a kaleidoscope of changing moods.

13.   It is examining options like wireless technology and fibre optics to improve communication over branch networks.

14.   It is used by all manufacturers including Corning, the biggest manufacturer of fibre optics in the world.

15.   LASERS and fibre optics are today being used in an increasing number ofapplications.

16.   Lasers and fibre optics have wide-ranging applications.

17.   New technology will allow set-top owners to link television with their PCs to access the Internet directly via fibre optics without needing modems.

18.   The future, according to Aslami, is definitely headed in the direction of fibre optics, and present uses are still scratching the size of the market.

19.   The sub-systems are connected by a network of fibre optics but can operate independently in the event of a systems failure.

20.   Through fibre optics, massive amounts of information can be processed and shifted at considerable speeds as if there is no time lapse.

n. + optics >>共 12
fibre 65.71%
wave 5.71%
high-quality 2.86%
high-tech 2.86%
night 2.86%
night-vision 2.86%
opthalmic 2.86%
projection 2.86%
space 2.86%
telescope 2.86%
fibre + n. >>共 65
optics 13.77%
cable 13.17%
diet 8.98%
content 7.78%
network 5.99%
rat 3.59%
group 2.40%
intake 1.80%
product 1.80%
score 1.80%
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