11.   Morris, in a telephone interview, refused to discuss the fee arrangements, which are not subject to federal disclosure laws.

12.   Most lawyers say any fee arrangement should be put in writing, explaining hourly rates, disbursements and billing practices.

13.   No advisory company worth its salt has yet agreed to the ultimate fee arrangement -- based on performance.

14.   Now, Marshall will have a chance to question them about this unorthodox fee arrangement.

15.   ORANGE COUNTY AMENDS SUIT Orange County has accused Merrill Lynch of concealing a fee arrangement with Sallie Mae involving securities sold to the county.

16.   Prose said, however, that the fee arrangement was the main factor that differentiated the firms that sought the state contract.

17.   Somehow, another fee arrangement would have to be reached.

18.   That would leave Cornyn, who filed his own challenge against the fee arrangement in January.

19.   The new fund is intended to help investors through the myriad different fee arrangements now offered by mutual funds with a choice of opting for a single fee.

20.   Tobacco industry spokesman Scott Williams said Texas would have to accept the Minnesota lawyer fee arrangement if it wanted to sweeten its total settlement.

n. + arrangement >>共 531
security 29.19%
funeral 16.16%
flower 3.69%
travel 3.65%
business 1.55%
work 1.02%
trade 0.98%
fee 0.84%
plea 0.81%
credit 0.74%
fee + n. >>共 162
income 10.95%
increase 10.51%
structure 9.93%
schedule 4.96%
arrangement 3.50%
system 3.36%
dispute 2.77%
act 2.34%
revenue 2.34%
hike 2.04%
每页显示:    共 24