11.   Most of those perpetrating this fraud hope to be collecting cushy federal pensions by this time, though.

12.   Nor would the budget change cost-of-living adjustments for federal pensions, an area many cost-cutters had marked as ripe for picking.

13.   Other areas targeted for possible cuts ranged from farm subsidies, water projects and mass transit to welfare, federal pensions and aid to big and small businesses.

14.   Social Security advocates, on the other hand, argue that the tax is a contribution to a type of federal pension system.

15.   Some of these contingencies include Social Security, Medicare, federal pensions, deposit insurance, myriad loan guarantees, and environmental cleanups.

16.   The Concord Coalition has criticized federal pensions as a budgetary sinkhole that will bankrupt future generations.

17.   The federal employees also are eligible for the federal pension plan.

18.   The House banking committee holds a hearing on whether the White House should be able to use federal pension trust funds to avoid defaulting on its obligations.

19.   The law, which was set up to address concerns that corrupt pension managers were illegally taking money from federal pension funds.

20.   The report urges that the government change federal pension laws so that employers are encouraged to fully fund and expand pension coverage.

a. + pension >>共 407
state 9.44%
private 8.44%
public 6.09%
traditional 2.60%
new 1.95%
domestic 1.90%
national 1.70%
corporate 1.65%
higher 1.65%
military 1.60%
federal 1.40%
federal + n. >>共 476
government 12.23%
court 6.49%
law 5.88%
judge 4.00%
official 3.74%
agency 3.06%
prosecutor 3.01%
budget 2.47%
agent 2.16%
authority 2.12%
pension 0.04%
每页显示:    共 28