11.   They accused their owners of falsifying books or illegally inheriting assets in order to evade taxes.

v. + book >>共 506
write 19.04%
read 9.46%
publish 5.88%
buy 2.95%
sell 2.20%
close 1.81%
have 1.56%
open 1.34%
promote 1.17%
ban 1.09%
falsify 0.11%
falsify + n. >>共 96
document 24.87%
record 16.28%
report 8.59%
result 5.19%
information 3.94%
account 2.50%
evidence 2.50%
passport 2.15%
book 1.97%
paper 1.61%
每页显示:    共 11