11.   The failures contributed to delays in launching Zvezda, which is more than two years behind schedule.

12.   The lawyer also raised the possibility that a break failure may have contributed to the accident.

n. + contribute >>共 1187
factor 4.00%
country 2.46%
company 2.10%
government 1.64%
nation 1.15%
people 1.05%
price 0.98%
member 0.85%
service 0.82%
industry 0.82%
failure 0.39%
failure + v. >>共 335
be 37.24%
cause 3.37%
occur 3.17%
mean 2.38%
come 2.31%
make 2.05%
have 1.98%
lead 1.98%
leave 1.26%
become 0.93%
contribute 0.79%
每页显示:    共 12