11.   Professional etiquette dictates that judges should not express their opinions about a case in public.

12.   She would have liked to express her opinion of his girlfriend, but prudently refrained.

13.   These meetings give everyone a chance to express their opinions.

14.   They still gets points from me for expressing an opinion.

15.   This chapter examines what it means rhetorically to express an opinion.

16.   You will have ample opportunity to express your opinions during the debate.

17.   Everyone has the right to express an opinion.

18.   Most who expressed an opinion spoke favorably of Thomas.

19.   In her avidity to express her opinions, she frequently and unthinkingly interrupts people.

20.   Fear can inhibit people from expressing their opinions.

v. + opinion >>共 416
have 13.33%
express 8.53%
offer 5.37%
voice 4.14%
give 3.71%
divide 2.99%
share 2.99%
seek 2.64%
issue 2.16%
write 2.07%
express + n. >>共 264
concern 19.92%
interest 7.28%
hope 4.78%
support 4.54%
confidence 4.41%
regret 2.88%
doubt 2.88%
fear 2.60%
reservation 2.51%
optimism 2.09%
opinion 1.13%
每页显示:    共 295